Monday, March 15, 2010

Forum & Rally on the Impact of the Wars at Home and Abroad

On the 7th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq Vermonters to hold Anti-War Forum on the Impact of the Wars at Home and Abroad

On Saturday March 20th from 1-4pm at Contois Auditorium at Burlington City Hall a broad coalition of organization will host forum titled “War Without End in the Obama Era: Understanding & Challenging U.S. Empire and the War Economy”. The forum will be comprised of two panels the first examining the expanding US military presence across the globe, while the second panel will look at the impact the wars have had on the ability of the US to meet the basic needs of its citizens (Panel details below).

The panel will be immediately followed by a march and rally on Church Street.

Ten of thousands of Vermonters voted for President Obama in the hope that he would end the Bush-era wars but unfortunately have been greatly disappointed. The unpopular U.S. wars and occupations are not coming to an end, but rather more troops are being sent to Afghanistan and more military actions are threatened elsewhere. Further, the military occupation and colonization of the Palestinian territories by Israel is in its 43rd year, subsidized by U.S. taxpayers to the tune of $3 billion dollars annually, while the latest Pentagon budget is the biggest yet, totaling over $700 billion.

As the wars expand the Great Recession grinds on, with an enormous social toll impacting thousands of Vermonters and millions of Americans. Washington is doing next to nothing to address joblessness, mortgage foreclosures, health care, and huge state budget deficits. For nearly everything except war, American citizens are told that there must be cuts. However, the total of all state budget deficits for next fiscal year could be more than covered by the money currently going to the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The forum and actions on Saturday March 20th are an effort to highlight the vast impact the continued US military actions has had not only on the lives of military personnel and citizens abroad, but also the huge impact on the economic realities facing hard working Vermonters and our states most vulnerable.

Event Details:

War Without End in the Obama Era:
Understanding & Challenging U.S. Empire and the War Economy
Saturday, March 20th Burlington City Hall, Church Street
1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Introduction: Nancy Lynch, Director Peace and Justice Center

Panel and Discussion 1: The War Abroad: Resisting war and occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine

Joseph Gainza, Vermont Action for Peace
Helen Scott, International Socialist Organization
Jamie Brooks, Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine and Israel

Panel and Discussion 2: The War at Home: How the wars undermine Vermont's public services, unions and working families, and health care

Adrienne Kinne, National Co-Chair, Iraq Veterans Against the War
Traven Leyshon, U.S. Labor Against the War

Event Organizers include: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vermont Action for Peace, VT Chapter US Labor Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans for Peace, Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine and Israel, International Socialist Organization, and Peace & Justice Center

More info contact: Jim Ramey 802-309-4824